My Bosses Are Unicorns

Loathe though I am to speak ill of my benevolent employers, I'm somewhat at the end at the tether and feel the need for a rant. The thing is, I figured out today that I work for unicorns. How so? Well, it would appear that my prefecture's Board Of Education, kind of my uber bosses if you will, consists of mythical beings that may or may not exist. Allow to me explain.
People I work with have assured me that this 'Board Of Education' is real, that it exists at the other end of "fax machines" and "telephones". The kicker, though, is that I've never seen them with my own eyes. Every now and then they even ask me via my colleagues to do things for them, such as sending them forms telling them the date I wish to leave Japan so that they can pay for my trip home. What's wierd is that I then won't hear anything for weeks, making it rather hard to plan ahead and make enquiries regarding transport links and baggage allowances.
Even stranger is the fact I've never spoken to them directly - despite the fact they supposedly speak English (making them very clever unicorns indeed), my colleagues always insist on acting as intermediaries, informing me of what they've said during "phone calls", similar to the way in which a five year old girl will insist that fairies live at the bottom of her garden, but that they only become visible if you accompany her there and turn your back on the spot where they appear. The only logical conclusion, therefore, is that I work for mythical beings.
However, I made a breakthrough of sorts today when I managed to actually obtain the "telephone number" of (name withheld) Sensei and was able to call him directly. Imagine my disappointment then, when the leprachaun that answered told me that he was "away for the afternoon" and "wouldn't be back until next week". Perhaps he's off patrolling a labyrinth somewhere in Greece...