The Daily Grind, Catering Success, Stunt Bikes, Busking and the Long Arm of the Law...

Ooh cripes a lordy, I really am getting tardy at keeping this thing up to speed. I was aiming to get it to at least two entries a week, more if I actually do anything interesting but I seem to have become mind-numbingly busy lately. A number of extremely tedious tasks have been occupying my time at work - in no particular order, marking some students' attempts at writing a Wakayama tourist guide, writing and recording a listening exam on a tape recorder which insists on randomly chewing up cassettes, teaching myself Japanese from the free CLAIR correspondance course and assembling a presentation on using Audiovisual technology in the classroom to be given at a JET conference taking place next Tuesday, among all the usual teaching duties. Thrilling stuff, I'm sure you'll agree.
So, things of note then; well, throwing all temporal order to the wind for the simple reason that I can't remember what I did and when, I atttended the last of my cooking classes where I whipped up a couple of extremely tasty okonomiyakis which you can see up there. Made from flour, eggs, yam potato, cabbage and pork, these little beauties are just the things to warm one's cockles over the winter months. I had actually attempted one before at home using the enormous custom-built hot plate left behind by my predecessor without knowing what I was doing, which rather predictably ended in disaster. Still, I know where I'm going wrong now so who knows, I might even entertain guests at a dinner party at some point. Maybe.
Also, Kinokawa High School (my place of work every Thursday) played host to its own bunkaasai recently. Somewhat more low-key than the all singing, all dancing Wakayama High offering I blogged at length about elsewhere, the floor show consisted mainly of one extremely impressive chap showing off what he could do with a stunt bike, some boxes and a stage, while several lads subsequently demonstrated what damage could be done with a microphone, a pre-recorded backing track, a passion for karaoke and a dearth of talent. Still, I got to partake in a tea ceremony and sip me some wonderfully bitter green macha so all was not lost.
I also recently had the pleasure of serenading the blissfully ignorent citizens of Wakayama Shi with a spot of aural ultraviolence in the form of a busking performance featuring Sean (pictured above with city resident and fellow JET Mike) and my good self. 'The Man Who Sold The World' went down quite well, with my mini slide solo attracting a couple of appreciative stares from two ageing pensioners, but our acoustic rendition of Rage Against The Machine's 'Killing In The Name Of' seemed engender little more than looks of brazen hostility from more than a few passers by, can't think why...
*I have just this very second experienced a genuine earthquake tremor*. Christ, haven't felt one of those since last year...calming cigarette now in hand, heartrate slowly returning to normal, I think I'm good to continue. It doesn't matter how small they are, for those first few seconds when you realise what's happening, you've know idea how bad it's going to be. This one was just a slight judder, thankfully, but bloody hell...
Well, I wasn't going to add much more to this bit really, besides mentioning the rather messy night had by me and a few fellow ex pats in Iwade Town last Saturday where one too many GNTs at this nice cozy bar led to me dozing off in a karaoke booth, then getting stopped by the police as I was walking home. They asked me where I was going, to which I was able to respond 'Watashi no Apaato, tabun juu fun koko kara'. - 'My apartment, maybe ten minutes from here'. They then asked me something which to my drunk, Japanese-ignorent ears sounded like 'dokgjn ngkdlg jnssoi djg odfgn?' to which I could only respond 'Watashi no nihongo wa amari yokuarimasen' - clueless idiot Japanese for 'My Japanese is not particularly good.' Thankfully they just gave up and drove off. Fair play though, there is something awfully suspicious about a foreigner wandering around a built up residential area at three in the morning...
Mind you, it could have been worse - Gemma fell off her bike while cycling back to hers, while Sean woke up at sunrise in a roadside ditch. I reckon I got off pretty lightly, all things considered.
And that earthquake earlier? According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, and if I can read the kanji correctly, it was a force 2. Nice...