Introducing My Mate Dave
Yep, that’s him there, wearing the cap beside a couple of his mates. He met fellow JET Gemma at Shirahama beach one day following his recent return from studying English in Canada, who in turn was surprised to hear that he lived in Ogura.
Soon enough, en route to a get together organized by Gemma in her stomping ground of Momoyama Town, myself and Daisuke got acquainted for the first time. The ‘Dave’ part is because the English equivalent to his given Japanese name is, according to his Canadian teacher, David. Thus, I’ve taken to calling him ‘Dave’ but only when I’m pissed. He’s an alright chap, into his swimming, surfing (I think), R ‘n’ B and ensuring that he always sports sharp threads. Bit of a townie, all told, but in the nicest possible way. Hardcore smoker too, which I always appreciate in a person for the way it assuages my own feelings of guilt regarding my habit.
So far, I’ve gone for an exceptionally fine Korean meal with him and two of his friends (and have come to the conclusion that Korean cuisine, origin of the mighty Yaki Niku, is my new dai suki no tabemono du jour) and a rather peculiar afternoon Karaoke session. Peculiar, because in my experience daylight and the shedding of dignity that usually accompanies this activity would not seem to mix at all well. What with him having just started work at popular ‘young things’ hangout ‘Bird Bar’ in Wakayama Shi, he might be somewhat preoccupied in the weeks to come but, hey. All told, it’s very good to have gotten to know an Oguran native below the age of 65 and still in possession of all his teeth.
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