And so it begins...

Yes indeed, exactly one year ago to the day I first arrived upon the shores of Japan as an Assistant Language Teacher, I've finally got round to setting up a blog. Hopefully updated regularly, it will detail most of my doings in this fine country, contain some random thoughts and lots of bad prose, and hopefully provide a useful way for friends and accquaintances to catch up with what I'm doing, should any of them be interested.
And on this maiden post, I can inform one and all that I'm currently in the school's IT lab with nothing better to do during these early days of the students' summer break, while a week-long build up of rain slashes down relentlessly outside, causing me to ponder precisely how soaked I'm likely to be after the bike ride home to my apartment, having failed to bring waterproofs, umbrella, or indeed weather protection of any kind with me today.
Plans for later - a trip to neighbouring Iwade town to get a 9-month old camera film which predates my digital photography days developed, omiyage (that's 'gifts' to you) shopping for the folks back home, and checking my money situation ahead of yet another monumentally foolish consumer electronics purchase, in this case an iRiver, later this week. Cor, fascinating stuff, eh? Bet you're glad you followed that link now...
I-River eh? I'm still pondering. Watashi wa geeku desu. Nevermind.
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